Pre-Marital Mediation
Three of the most important facets of life tend to include relationships, finances, and children (not necessarily in that order!). Despite this, we are rarely taught how to communicate in relationships, how to handle finances and address budgeting, and how to parent.
Couples who are engaged to be married are often so excited to take that next exhilarating step that they do not think about what life really may look like after marriage.
At BOK Law & Mediation Services, we offer a unique Pre-Marital Mediation Program, where we help couples apply a strong foundation to their marriage. We discuss how to implement open communication, how to create boundaries and guidelines for disagreement, how to manage their finances (including estate planning options), what their tasks/responsibilities will be in the marriage, and how children will impact their dynamic, all of which creates a successful roadmap for their marriage.
While this program allows for the implementation of a pre-marital agreement, it is not a requirement, and we can discuss whether or not a pre-marital agreement is necessary in the marriage.